CUatFOFA Website
Following the success of the publication of their 2021 exhibition catalogue, the FOFA Gallery, our team was also tasked to design the CU at FOFA curatorial web platform dedicated to the publishing and dissemination of FOFA Gallery’s programming during the current global pandemic.
Rather than creating a simple archival website, our aim was to transform this platform into interactive space for the website’s visitors. Therefore, we also incorporated visual elements from a physical gallery into this website to give the visitors a sense of familiarity while discovering the artists and their works on a digital platform.
Visual identity, Web Page Layout:
Theresa Hoang
Visual Identity, Web Page Layout:
Ola Bailoun
Logo, Visual Identity, Style Guide, Web Page Layout:
Taylor Reddam-Woo
Visual identity, Web Page Layout:
Vanessa Trifonopoulos